Wednesday, October 16, 2013


“All that is, was and will be
Universe much too big to see
Time and space never ending
Disturbing thoughts, questions pending
Limitations of human understanding”

METALLICA: Through the never
First and foremost I would like to say “I am the biggest Metallica fan ever” Every single person I have met in my life knows that. it’s something in the music or the band members chemistry, to me Metallica IS MY WAY OF LIFE. It transcends every barrier, it is with every molecule of me. And it´s everywhere. I made my college thesis about them. I met them in 2009. They signed it. One of the best days of my life. I said thank you to each one of them. It is now an awesome story. The book is now kept in my house and the story inside my heart.

Secondly, it is extremely hard for me to be objective or distant from that METALLICA FAN and write something that is just the truth.

Third It is impossible to me having a movie blog and not to give an entire post to them. So having said that let us begin. So what!

What is Through the never? (SPOILER ALERT) It’s the name of the 7th Metallica song on the black album. Talks about being driven to fulfill your dreams. There is a monumental amount of Metallica lyric reference in every frame of the movie. The hammer of justice or the silhouette of kill em all hammer. A horsemen riding the lightning. A puppet in a mirror coming to life. But the movie is not worth your money, only if you are a Metallica FAN.

In an unknown city, Metallica is performing a sold out show. A skater named (TRIP) hahaha (who works as a roadie for the band) arrives at the venue and at the beginning of the first song gets pulled out of the concert by his boss to be told this: “Find the bag!!!” for the band Is very important to have it before the show ends. So he is sent on a quest to find a van that contains a very important Bag? WHATS IN IT? Money?, a guitar? The Rosebud slay, the Holy Grail, the PICK of destiny???Maybe Cliff Burton´s soul (bassist killed on tour in 1986) or Jason Newsted (bassist that left in 2001) No one knows, No one really cares.

I was amazed the first 15 minutes of the movie. Best IMAX ever. But there is no story no plot no characters no nothing. Only a riot going on while Metallica plays. Police men vs some dudes. No reason what so ever. There is very strong death images (not for children) of 6 people hanging by their necks.??? Does it serve the story, does it help the characters to have deeper connections with the audience, does it make it a movie? The end of the line. No. Through the never is not a movie. It is a promotional video, It is a band showing off what they can do and filming it the most expensive way known to man kind. I was expecting a little more (really much more from them). At least a story or some documentary insight, not just a bag full of nothing.. Maybe I had high hopes for some narrative but instead we get a character intro (WIZARD OF OZ kind of) James–Fire Kirk- Blood Lars-Anger Robert-Bass playing? I would rather have Martin Scorsese directing and Tom Waits interviewing them or photographers Anton Corbin or Matt Mahurin making black and white or sepia shots with the IMAX CAM. Make something different. Tell stories no one knows. Say something!!!

I left the theatre delighted to have seen them on the big screen. But confused on the way Metallica decides projects. It is no surprise to me that Metallica is a brand, it’s a company. It sells millions of records, T-shirts and tickets to see them live. I think this so called movie is just a testament of HOW BIG METALLICA IS, and that’s it. Nothing more.

To me the best scene is the end credits, when Metallica´s four members (James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk Hammett & Rob Trujillo) sit down to play a brilliant performance of ORION. (Seventh song on the Master of Puppets album) No photo montage or slow motion retrospective on this EPIC HUGE MONUMENTAL MUSIC BAND, it´s a homage for Cliff. After all the screams, the lights, the explosions and all the noise, Metallica sums up the entire IMAX EXPERIENCE in doing what they do BEST. Four guys playing their instruments and the cameras are there to capture it. No more. No less.

One more thing… you should probably have a better Marketing Manager to let you know a golden rule in movie business. Your movie shouldn´t open at the same time as Alfonso Cuaron´s GRAVITY. Just a thought.


  1. wooowww Im a fan ( of this post an yours, not metallica) and I coundt agree more :)

  2. ¿Crees que después de esta película veremos con más frecuencia filmes hechos sólo para fans de determinados conceptos?
