Friday, November 15, 2013

Emotional Strain

"A non-writing  writer  is a monster courting insanity"
-Franz Kafka

Everybody has two sides. One we show the world. The other side we hide. In many movies the main character is troubled with desires, power or obsessed by a terrible PAST. I love characters trapped in their DEEP minds and that the director has the ability to show us that perspective. What if we could see, for a few frames per second... what he is feeling. A soul so confused and tormented feeling no one can help.  A REGULAR person that tries to explain to everyone why life is so wrong with him. Does that make him a villain? That person is aware of the damage they can inflict on their loved ones or strangers. Some times it takes two actors to portray one twisted mind. They all have triggers that make them snap. This are  my favorites.

THE FAN (1996) Robert De Niro

For Gil Renard (a hunting knives sales man) The San Francisco Giants are EVERYTHING. Fueled by anger and solitude, De niro portrays a man hunted by mistakes and faults. He demands RESPECT from his ex wife, his little son and Bobby Rayburn the new player of the GIANTS. Gil is scary and abusive. No stranger to acting a solitaire mad man, De niro inspires true fear as an abusive dad, a terrible sales man and worst of all a true fan from hell. Waiting for that perfect moment (good or bad )when he becomes part of Rayburn´s life. Directed by Tony Scott, mixing Hans Zimmer chilling soundtrack with The Rolling Stones and Corrosion of Conformity. A very scary and real movie.
MEMORABLE QUOTE “Baseball is better than LIFE… it´s fair!”

ONE HOUR PHOTO (2002) Robin Williams

Sy Parrish (an employee of a One hour photo) is punctual, organized and must of all cordial to all customers. Specially 
The Yorkin family. Knows their adress & birthdays Sy is lonely and sad. Sy has been making an extra set of copies for himself. An unforgettable scary performance. Written and directed by Mark Romanek its visual orchestration of every scene is worth watching. Using colors to add textures of sadness, anger, loneliness and a dream like quality. And the soundtrack is Reinhold Heil & Johnny Klimek´s thrilling masterpiece. 
Memorable Quote “pretend... this is all pretend!”

FALLING DOWN (1993) Michael Douglas

Rules are meant to be followed. Not for William Foster (unemployed). As he wants to get to his daughter’s birthday party, he enters a strange state of mind where he suddenly has no patience and begins challenging everything. Right or Wrong, Left or Right ...He has had enough. Confused and deranged he starts a one man war against everyone. Directed by Joel Schumacher to me , this is Schumacher´s best movie and a haunting performance by one of hollywood´s best actors.
MEMORABLE QUOTE: “I´m the bad guy?”

FACE OFF (1997)
John Travolta & Nicholas Cage

In this unrealistic plot and almost a satruday nigh live skit about a detective switching faces with a serial killer. John Woo wanted both actors to SHOW-OFF how well they can imitate one another. ENOUGH SAID.
MEMORABLE QUOTE: "Interception...ball is on our side!"

MR. BROOKS (2007)Kevin Costner &John Hurt

Originally planned as a trilogy. Mr Earl Brooks is a wealthy businessman. But he hides a secret. Him and his alter ego are being black mailed by someone who knows the truth. They are ONE Serial Killer. Contrary  to what one would assume, they get along pretty well, they even laugh at the same jokes. That is what makes this movie brilliant.  Costner and Hurt deliver a twisted  portrail of a Mr. Brooks who is just unpredictable. Written and Directed by 
Bruce A. Evans.MEMORABLE QUOTE "I... love... what you are thinking"

Edward Norton & Brad Pitt

If you havent seen it turn off your computer RIGHT NOW and go see it. (SPOILER ALERT) Sharing is one thing but co-existing is another completely different game. In one of Fincher´s Finest Films, we see two personas The Narrator and Tyler Durden. One complaints about everything he doesnt have. Tyler  just takes what he wants. 
MEMORABLE QUOTE :"First rule of FightClub is... you! do! not! talk! about! fight club!"

A good performance is the one that is convincing. The actor(s), the stage, the props, but most important the story. Too many sub plots can lead to disaster. All together tell a tale. Even if it were dragons and dwarfs. You have to make it convincing. All this performances enhance a complex mixture of actor/mind/character. 

"the true alchemist do not change lead into gold; they change the world into words." 
-William H. Gass

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