As if someone had encapsulated together both the wind, the sea and all our memories. Alan Silvestri´s score for the movie CAST AWAY reaches far into the deepest corners of our mind Robert Zemeckis put it on film. Tom Hanks portrayed Chuck Noland. No Land?? hmm
Chuck Noland is so sure of everything. He works for FEDEX, he lives by the clock, he is a workaholic. So much he has gained fame in FEDEX as someone who "stole a bike in order to deliver a package". He torments others about how they should do their job, as if life was A FEDEX DEADLINE to reach. We live by the clock we die by the clock. As if his life was such an example. But his life changes unexpectedly when he is on a plane crash.
Leaving him... all alone... on an island with a lot of FEDEX packages.
He screams, he cries , he calls for help! Every time i see this film, i found myself making the same choices as Chuck. You get on a plane sure you will reach your destination. You unbuckel your seatbelt because you want to grab what you most love the watch with Kelly´s picture. You cry for help because there will always be someone to help you. You find yourself full of darkness. And that is when we search for light. With doubt comes knowledge. There are a lot of hidden messages on this film intentionally or not. But to me it is the masterpiece of both actor TOM HANKS and director ROBERT ZEMECKIS. The island can be a metaphor of the mind.
As this movie portrays life as a mirror. All of our choices are roads we will take. If it takes us far or near. If it is a defeat or a victory. We should learn from every experience.We don´twant life to change but it does. We don´twant people to go but they do. What we must always treasure is the chance to be alive, to be aware of life, to be able to look around and enjoy it.
Wilson is born from Chuck drawn with his blood. Wilson a methapor of the importance of others in our life. What we can achieve by being silent. Have you ever done that? just listen to others instead of trying to win an argument?
Wilson has no dialogue, Wilson has no actions or reactions. But the way it interacts with Chuck as a witness of his adventures, makes it so hard for the viewer to watch him go. As the tide takes him further. How we miss him when he is gone. Chuck´s life will never be the same but is not over its only beggining.
Wilson is everything but "a goddamn volleyball!!!"

I THINK The message is not only about a man who lost everything because of being a CAST AWAY BUT about a man who thought controlled everything and everyone.
As he returns to civilization, on a rainy night he goes to see Kelly only to realize one thing "Now i´m back and i´ve lost you all over again". Kelly was his hope. Chuck finds out the reason he is alive is for himself.
And just when his task is over, when he finds his way home. He finds out the world moves on with or without him. Nothing is certain. Nothing lasts forever. As waves in the ocean are the only eternal sound. We are mere guests here in this life. As Chuck finds himself in a cross road with 4 different options. We are left wondering what would he choose? What would i choose if i had to start all over again from zero?
a·chieve·ment: something accomplished, especially by superior ability, special effort, great courage, etc.; a great or heroic deed: his remarkable achievements in art.
We are made of goals and achievments. We value so little what we´ve got until we have lost it. And i´m not talking material things. When we value each other. Respect everyone that makes us better.We must seek others not be an island. In order for us to be happy we have to be exposed and we have to risk failure. This film earned no Oscars. But it is a testament of what excellent filmmaking is.
A great cast a great score and a great story crafted by a great team including one hell of a Director. We can be certain of very few things in life.
As there is Time... there is Tide.
"acting is a never-ending process of examining where you are in life"
-Tom Hanks
you really got me on this one man! what a great review!
ReplyDeleteI love this movie, it's like a chick's flick, but it's a dudes flick dude!
It could be a nightmare, a midlife crisis metaphore or a life review!