I love watching my favorite films several hundred times. Over watching eveything i start noticing stuff on the frames i didn´t saw the first time i saw the film. Have you ever noticed this kind of things?
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...Have you ever noticed
Every character that meets an untimely demise in THE DEPARTED passes by an X. A homage to director Howard Hawks' SCARFACE.
Many people are unaware that The Departed is a remake of a 2002 Hong Kong film called "Infernal Affairs". It was Scorsese’s second remake after the 1991 movie "Cape Fear". He didn’t realise it was a remake until after he agreed to direct it, and he chose not to watch the movie until he had finished directing The Departed.
...Have you ever noticed
Boba Fett´s costume changes from The Empire Strikes Back to the one in Return of the Jedi? (arm braces change from green to red, the cape goes from yellow to green, the jet pack has more colors and Boba´s Gun is different)
There is a fan theory that says,the change of costumes on Boba Fett is because he is not the real Bounty hunter but a stand in kind of "police officer" to keep everyone in Jabba´s Palace in order. So if this theory was true, he didn´t die.

MATRIX (1999)

You can push play and see the first 4 mins of the film
The Wachowskis approached Warner with the idea of the Matrix and Warner balked at the 80 million budget they had submitted. Warner instead agreed to give them 10 million.The Wachowskis took the money and filmed the first ten minutes of the movie using the entire 10 million. They then showed the executives at Warner the opening scene. They were impressed, and green-lit the original asking budget.
Neo OR (Thomas Anderson )wakes up during the course of the film 7 times.
In the first 45 minutes of the film, Neo has 80 lines. 44 of these lines are questions, just over half of his total dialogue, averaging at roughly one question per minute
…YOU´LL never see this movies the same way AGAIN.
Even when I have watched the movie for the 1000th time I can never tell the little details, until someone else, annoyed of me watching the same movie over and over, points at them just for the sake of me to stop watching the same thing again and again. Now after reading I feel like watching Matrix, I am in need of something interesting which I have not seeing lately at the movie theatre. Always a pleasure to read!