Tuesday, March 11, 2014


"I know this sound silly ...and i know that i might sound ridiciulous...like this is "the scene" of the movie, where the guy is trying to get a hold of the long lost son... this is "that scene" and i think they have "those scenes" in movies because they´re true."

-Philip Seymour Hoffman 


By some fantastic inexplicable unknown force every movie begins so. In darkness. We don´t know whats it about or who are we going to meet. But i discovered the one true constant in every single movie ever made in history. And that is ..."Time stops here for a reason".

Movies are stories worth telling by characters we are drawn to like or to hate. Told by them and witnessed by us. To be in a little relationship. A two hour relationship. Character involves the illusion of being a human and a premise is an assumption that something that will happen is true.

"to be able to tranform, to undergo a metamorphisis not act but become and comand and inhabit the character" 

-Martin Scorsese

The Academy is not always right...it has given OSCARS for 86 years and not necessarily are THOSE MOVIES OR PERFORMANCES THE BEST OF THAT YEAR. In my opinion. 

"acting is ...claiming the moment " 

-Marlon Brando 

Movies also reflect the struggle within ourselves and our inner changes.

"i was creating characters that i felt ... i´m learning" 
-Dustin Hoffman

The way a story is told,  the way we are introduced to the characters. Conflict or the lack of it moves the main character to action taking him outside his daily routine. Or the oposite. A charcter so troubled by the constant conflicts of his own persona he cannot relate to anyone not even him or herself.

Time is the only proof that a movie has what it takes to prevail. Performances that last forever. To act is to portray the inner truth of another human being. Year after year we watch performances that reach deep inside ourselves. Portrayed by a stranger we will never meet but we will always remember.

Movies are the way may skilled artists are capable of carrying emotions to our senses in a cinema. From  script to film from the movie set and a camera to finally reach our EYES and SENSES.

The real MAGIC in movies happens in scenes where absolute silence could be just listening to the wind or missing someone we lost. Scenes where you can almost hear the character´s mind. Nothing in movies is ignorable.

"ignorable is different from unimportant"

-Meryl Streep

As different people there are different points of view. My favorite is not gonna be your favorite. There are movies we buy, movies that make you think, others make you laugh, others you can never watch again. WHY????Movies are deep connections and answers to ourselves. We watch each other and ourselves in the silver screen. And how easy it is as an audience to criticize. To stand up and go. Or to remain seated watching how it will end. What all of this is about.

Movies are entertainment, teaching tools, they are history, they are fiction or human feelings encapsulated in film. They ALL mark  a certain point of view. We might not share it, WE MIGHT NOT EVEN LIKE IT, but it is basic to our social behavior and every day communion to respect the other and what his beliefs. Everyone... has felt happy, afraid or sad. Triumph or tragedy are constants worth telling the stroy.The movies in our lives  become a part of us kind of like our family. We are all not the same it´s the differences that makes us grow and learn and come together.  Thats is why "THE MOVIES" are so important to us. And that is why we MUST go to the movies . To feel that experiences over and over again.

If Movies are events (TIME)
the Score is the mood (STOPS) 
Actors perform the present (HERE).

That  is why...Time stops here.

"if you analyze it..... the way fairy tales and folk tales are analyzed.............. all those characters actually, probably represent aspects of the protagonist. It´s really Dorothy who needs courage, needs the brain, needs a heart " 

-Harold Raimis (talking about The Wizard of OZ)

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