....thats what, american film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum called Terry Gilliam´s film TIDELAND.
"I don´t want to do what is easy ...I don´t want to do what everybody else is doing.
There´s enough people out there doing that and they are tecnically better than I am
I don´t want know about that.
I wanna take the ideas, the stories... that nobody wants to touch
or doesn´t know how to make in this instance"
- Terry Gilliam
The first movie i ever saw of Terry Gilliam was 12 Monkeys. It attracted me because of my cousin ALEX. WHO told me you had to watch this FILM! Its Brad Pitt & Bruce Willis like you´ve never seen them. Not in hollywood STYLE but in the world of Terry Gilliam!! He also got me interested in riding bikes, READING Spiderman comics (he had a massive collection) The magazine "HEAVY METAL" listening to jazz, Neil Peart´s DRUMMING, Nine Inch Nails The downward spiral, oil Painting and french press coffee.
His worlds are full of fantasy and dirt, a magic loneliness, surreal confussion and misguided adventures...as if we enterd a world full of lost people in the after math of war. A world recovering. A world that just exploded and is trying to join all the broken pieces. Like in BRAZIL. A world not completly clean nor clear in ideas. Deeply troubled main characters that have to socialize within as well as stumbling onto others. There are no supporting ROLES everyone counts. As in movies or theatre we all are laughing as we witness the brutality of the few who think PEOPLE MUST BE CONTROLED. Gilliam makes this point across like on the Monthy Python skits.
Only in a Terry Gilliam movie you will see HUGE UNIQUE
worlds made of clouds and doubts, colorful CHARACTERS, grey PERFORMANCES, factory bureaucracy, deformed lifestyles , THE BROTHERS GRIMM, a fisher king, the future made of brick walls, A BARON MUNCHAUSEN, CRAZY CAMERA ANGLES, the ever present poor people, the all seeing eyes, all the questions remain silent as type writers, TIME BANDITS , ZERO THEOREMS and wait...Tom Waits is the devil.??????
To André Bazin, a renowned and influential French film critic and film theorist, he believed that a film should represent a director's personal vision but the interpretation of a film or scene should be left to the spectator.

To much credit man, I'm just the delivery boy, sometimes the translator of something that was already there and always receiving as much as I give... great review George!