Friday, September 26, 2014

This is Rumor Control...and here are the facts

"as you´re making a movie and the audience knows you have control of everyhting, of  every single thing and the audience knows you can show them everything...... so the question is ....what don´t you do? Not ...what do you do?"

-David Fincher

If i met David Fincher, i would probably ask him , 
who will be the narrator of your next movie??
I really enjoy his movies, the way each one stands on its own. His abbility to make COMPLEX characters, living WORKS OF ART , the fictional he makes it possible  and actors grow and glow on the big SCREEN. Many directors are also writers, editors or visual poets. 

To me David Fincher is more than all that put together Fincher always  waits for...The right story to tell.

His movies are raw, very straight forward and mind benders. Coming from music videos he is no stranger to stress, special effects and having a field Making deadlines and having to work with STARS such as MADONNA. He made the jump to movies by continuing the work of Ridley Scott and James Cameron, in one of the most loved sagas in movie history. The ALIEN franchise. 

In Alien 3, While in outer space Ellen Ripley had the  choice of ending her life by killing an alien species. Fincher had the same to do with a NO SCRIPT film he never even finish editing.To me... He made a masterpiece out of a mess.

Then with SE7EN the everyday routine of an almost retired cop takes a slow motion turn when a serial killer obsessed with giving humanity a  seven deadly sin lesson.

Fincher made not only one of the most memorable films in the last 30 years he also give birth to a whole new  genre in detective darkness TV spin offs! (CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION, CRIMINAL MINDS and NCIS) to name a few.

The GAME has the best movie ending in movie history.
It´s clever and has a brilliant Michael Douglas in it. Not as the ALL MIGHTY, ALL POWERFUL MAN but as the Doubtful and Fearfull human WE ALL ARE, when confronted by the silent narrator of the story...THE UNKNOWN.

 In FIGHT CLUB Tyler Durden narrated "you are not... your god damn cakis!!" being this workfreak catalog consuming furniture lover its not such a surprise he has another side 

even the main character Edward Norton is called NARRATOR?

PANIC ROOM is a movie told by a house. Every room is a character and people are like mice running from each other. 

The story of an unknown serial killer in san francisco in the 70´s is told by his own letters sent to a newspaper...makes the mystery of the ZODIAC even bigger! Fincher pushes the technical boundries by making a really scary movie SHOT ON video, not film and edited in Final Cut.

"It's about power and greed and loyalty and jealousy and betrayal and ambition and class and power..."  A movie based in two lawsuits against FACEBOOKdoesnt sound too much  fun, but what if you made both law suits questionnaires the narrator in  the Mark Zuckerberg inspired The SOCIAL NETWORK which deals with how social media has made the world a smaller place and one social network to be our NEW SOCIAL CONNECTION .

The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo´s main character is (as portrayed in the opening credit sequence) by  THE DARKNESS INSIDE EVERY CHARACTER that is the narrator from the first scene, all because the disappearence of Harriett.

The Courious Case of Benjamin Button is told by the CAMERA and Brad Pitt´s voice , both tell the singular story of a man born old and who died young...."some people"

Within the realm of realism and the NO BOUNDRIES in technology that FINCHER makes use to. His main goal has not change. He wants to tell a story.

 i REALLY want to see GONE GIRL

Because i want to see how Fincher tells it. 
How his characters evolve before my eyes. 
How he makes me doubt the plot. 
Where does he take me.

Fincher makes the impossible possible, where there is no meaning and only puzzles, darkness and human despair...he spreads a clear vision, LIGHTS THE WAY of the roads ahead by having one NO SIMPLE RULE... SLOWLY AND FOCUSED.  Fincher is more than a DIRECTOR he is a MASTER STORY TELLER OF human  RELATIONSHIPS.

"my job to create for you an enviroment where you are on the inside looking out. YOU never have to be ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN"
 -David Fincher 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

To Understand...

"A trully good movie is interesting and easy to understand" 
-Akira Kurosawa

We go to the movies to watch others or ourselves? We go into this dark room full of unknown people to begin a journey. Inside our own experiences. Color or colorless, horror, musical, adventure or drama. Every film is told differently. Because the people behind them have different sensibilities.

"Give me two hours a day of activity, and I’ll take the other twenty-two in dreams."

-Luis Buñuel

There is no two people who think the same or react the same. In our every day life we try to understand why are we here? what we were meant to do? who are we gonna meet? and why?  Film brings  many more questions to our minds. It is true, we morph into people that understand perfectly the movie language but its not the same message for all of us. Some movies are liked others are hated. Maybe because they remind us of better times or we are faced with our own demons.

”There are mysteries, secret zones in each individual.”

-Krzysztof Kieślowski

How our parents teach us to be polite and how to defend ourselves. How our teachers challenge us with questions and frequent evaluations. How life makes our mistakes the scars of what we have learned. In films the message is one thing and our interpretation is another. The movie is dated the message is timeless. I really think Every film deserves a second chance. To watch it again might change our opinion.

“The value of art is [its ability] to heal.”
 -Alejandro Jodorowsky

It is very interesting to see how different... several directors feel about the process of movie making, but how alike they all want to portay dreams.

I hope we NEVER loose that desire of going to the movies. Yes many people complaint about :  the long lines or  the ticket price. But it is also a way of stepping outside our daily routine. It´s made to be an all senses experience. That is why your view is directed forward. That is why the lights are out. That is why you should be quiet and turn off your phones during the movie. AND NEVER WATCH A MOVIE ON A PHONE.

"There are two kinds of directors; those who have the public in mind when they conceive and make their films and those who don’t consider the public at all. For the former, cinema is an art of spectacle; for the latter, it is an individual adventure. There is nothing intrinsically better about one or the other; it’s simply a matter of different approaches."  
-François Truffaut

Every day we see the younger generations loose the amazement that we once had. I recall the first time i went to the United States . I saw the PAC-MAN Arcade on the hotel lobby. I was amazed. I couldn´t believe. I could control the TV!!! As dumb as it may seem now, but  back in 1983 it was something TO ME out of this world.

"I once had a dream, or a vision, and I imagined that dream to be of importance to other people, so I wrote the manuscript and made the film. But it is not until the moment when my dream meets with your emotions and your minds that my shadows come to life. It is your recognition that brings them to life. It is your indifference that kills them. I hope that you will understand; that you when you leave the cinema will take with you an experience or a sudden thought—or maybe a question. The efforts of my friends and myself have then not been in vain…" 
— Ingmar Bergman

I will try to teach my children to go to the movies. To be polite and aware that watching a film is like watching a play in the theatre. To stay quiet, until the movie has ended. You are inside a temple. But most importantly  teach them to watch any kind of movie. 

And at the end of the day to be 
those few 
WHO go to the movies

"i look at the filmmakers of the past and many filmmakers of the present, i have nothing but admiration, more than admiration , i survive from them, i live of the inspiration i get from many filmmakers.  I believe, particularily  artists  ...have to know the past in order to accept, reject, complaint about, hate, love whatever... i mean how come you not."
-Martin Scorcese