Wednesday, March 20, 2013

what the speaker is really thinking about??

What is timing?… for me the best way to be funny is timing not trying to be funny but to associate what´s going on just looking for the perfect spot to strike! The pacing of the delivery of a joke is everything.
My opinion: The funniest scenes are with serious actors.


The movie: Alien 3
The scene: On the Planet FURY 161- Lt. Ellen Ripley ( played by Sigourney Weaver “Working Girl” ) has just found the remains of the smashed android Bishop( Lance Henriksen “Millenium”) and wants some answers

Ripley reconnects in an almost MEDICAL procedure Bishop to make him active again. But before she gets answers she will get two consecutive jokes.

Alone, Ripley studies the remains of Bishop.
There¹s a battery pack in his left shoulder.
She checks the connections.
A spark sizzles.
Using a cable, she connects a terminal in Bishop's smashed thorax to the black flight recorder.
Instantly, Bishop's one eye blinks.
A garbled sound comes out of the small speaker at the back of his mouth.
Shoving her hand into his throat, she gives him an adjustment.
Bishop¹s voice suddenly becomes audible.


Hello, Bishop. Can you feel anything?

Yes. My legs hurt.

I'm sorry that --

It's okay. I'm just a glorified toaster. How are you?
I like your new haircut...

The movie: Casablanca

The scene: in 20 seconds, Captain Renault (Claude Rains “The invisible Man” )sounds his whistle to alert everybody that Rick´s café Café Americain (Humprhey Bogart “The maltese falcon” ) is closed:

The script:

Captain Renault: Everybody is to leave here immediately. This café is closed until further notice. Clear the room at once!

Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?
Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!

[a croupier hands Renault a pile of money]

Croupier: Your winnings, sir.
Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.
Captain Renault: Everybody out at once!

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