Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mythos & ethoS

"i like having a cast doing something difficult in every shot"

-Wes Anderson

A rarity is what i would call this film. Not for being odd or silly. But because nowadays it´s really rare to watch a good, well written, well performed, well directed and entertaining movie at the same time. A STORY WORTH TELLING. A story you would actually like seeing again and again. Because it is very well told. The characters are 3 dimensional. They have feelings, they are coherent. They are different among themselves. No one is the same as the other. Like in theatre everyone has their ins and outs. Every character portrayed plays their part as if it was a dance or a gymnastics choreography. No egos, No superstars trying to get the most camera time in the editing room. Every single one wants to be a part of the Wes Anderson universe. And to be inside that world is a privilege. It´s a simple, little film about a hotel. The Grand Budapest Hotel.

The way Wes Anderson introduces us to his simetrically perfect world is like in every one of his films. By the time the credit sequence is over. We are in. The way he plans his shots for them to condence the most of the story inside a  a single frame is a real treat. I laughed at his dark humor and really enjoy watching this film. Because it is a great film told by a great director. He is clearly influenced by french cinema and old black and white films. But he took film to an unthinkable perfection. The colors, the music, the acting, the timming, the humor. It is a film that could be shot indoors but you never feel like you are in a closed space. Wes Anderson is in fact a genre of his own. A Wes Anderson film is  unique.

Terry Gilliam once told Quentin Tarantino " You have a vision of a movie in your mind now gather the best people in the business and tell them your vision so that they can bring it to life coreographed by you" That´s the importance of the director". It is the very fundamental of why he is there. That is why many directors continue to work with the same cinematorgraphers, camera crew, gaffers, sound directors, composers, editors etc, etc, etc. There is no written formulas to success but as in real life chemistry exists and when several, very talented people get together they can make movie magic.

Wes Anderson reminded us of one key element of going to the movies:  enjoy the film. He really delivers us a good story with solid characters. No mistakes or script flaws, or  stupid twists. This movie is a must.

The GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL is a character on its own. It is center stage and it holds the intimate secrets of everyone who works there and stays there as a guest.

"i have always wanted to work in the theatre, but i´ve never actually done it. Not since i was in fifth grade, but i´ve had many plays in my films. is a part of my movie work"

-Wes Anderson

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