Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The most important work about art and life was written by himself?

“4 people are sitting around in a table talking about baseball,
Suddenly a bomb goes off!!!
Blows the people to smithereens
What does the audience have? … 10 seconds of shock
Now, Take the same scene AND tell the audience there is a bomb under that table
And it will go off in 5 mins The hole emotion changes
You got the audience working they don´t care about baseball
NOW The bomb must never go off
You work that audience into a state and then they will get angry because you haven’t provided any relief”
Alfred Hitchcock 
I get mad when I see bad movies because it’s not the money they’ve spent but the opportunity to make a film is one in a million and blow it away making shit. It’s really upsetting to me.

If you don’t have a unique, bright, exquisite story and the only thing you do is copy someone else’s movies…then don’t do it
If its what’s in your heart do it, but do your homework!
As a teacher in college told me “Hitler didn’t made his homework and lost to Russia the same as Napoleon, because he didn’t do his homework”

See a lot of movies see as many movies as you can
So that you don’t make the same old mistakes
Know how to get rid of your favorite scene if it doesn’t give anything to the story. Make us think new don’t feed us the same old clichés. Read a book. Play a videogame. Make coffee. See a comic book. Paint. Play an instrument. Don´t do anything if its meaningless to you! It’s a story worth telling to you
Find yourself. As Kawanabe Kyōsai did .

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