Monday, April 7, 2014


In movies we often expect actors to portray the same characters over and over again. There are main characters, supporting characters, but many are extras or have one single line of dialogue. Not often recognized by name when the credits roll. But always recognized by their face. 

Albert "Al" Leong 
Martial Arts expert and stunt double in over 200  movies. Has been killed in most of them. Ofently typecasted as an evil thug. Al Leong is a legend in the underworld  movie community.

Ernest Lee "Ernie" Hudson Sr.
He helped Brandon Lee as Sergeant Albrecht in Alex Proyas Cult masterpiece The Crow and  saved the world as Winston Zeddemore in both Ghostbusters movies. Often portrays a good guy doing whats right. To me his best character; as Solomon in  The Hand that Rocks the Cradle

Richard "Rick" Ducommun 
Neither good or bad...This Canadian comedian turned actor appears in many many films saying one liners or being the annoying rich guy in The Last Boyscout  or even a yelling costumer in Groundhog day. His best movie is with non other than Tom Hanks as two suspicious neighbors called THE BURBS

Udo Kier  
This german actor has appeared in more than 200 movies. Mostly horror movies as a vampire. He usually gets type cast as a villain. Why?  because he looks Evil and always planning something. I´ve always dreamed of a James Bond film in black and white ...if I directed it... he would be the PERFECT BOND villain.

William Gary Busey
Neither good or evil, always on the grey line doing what is best for him: Predator 2, Under Seige, Lethal Weapon, The Firm, Fear and Lothing in Las vegas name a few. He has performed all....  Awesome villain, great hero both corrupt cop and funny bank robber. One word UNPREDICTABLE.

Andrew Daniel Divoff  
Another 48 hrs, Toy Soldiers , AIR FORCE ONE, Venezuelan actor always typecasted  as a bad guy because of his looks and accent.

Bradford Claude "Brad" Dourif 
Who can forget his maniac laughter. Most people don´t even recognize him by face. He ofently plays disturbed characters, as GRIMA Wormtongue in Lord of the Rings trilogy and as  Charles Lee Ray also known as CHUCKY in the cult movie franchise CHILD´S PLAY. 

Michael Ironside
Famous on TV because of the TV SERIES "V". Usually typecasted as a military officer because of his commanding Voice. Ironside is one of the best actors as supporting cast ever. Acted in Scanners, Total Recall, Top Gun, Star Ship Troopers.

Walter Charles Dance
Always a Gentleman. One of my favorite English actors. Clever sight and cunning dialogue. He is one of the finest villains in movie HISTORY. He is not too over exposed. He made a horrible movie tolerable as bad guy MR. BENEDICT in The Last Action Hero saying the line: HELLO TOTO! and made the most deep character since Lt. Ellen Ripley in the Alien saga as Johnathan Clemens. A morphin adict doctor who decided to stay behind humanity as one of the 25 prisioners in Alien 3´s Fury 161. Saying: "When they stayed ......I stayed."

William Henry "Bill" Duke, Jr.

Born in 1943 in New York, a very tall actor. Commando, Predator, Action Jackson, Bird on a Wire, Red Dragon or Payback he usually is in action films. The quintessential "Tough guy" He has played a Police Chief, a Detective, an assasin, a Pimp and a corrput agent. With his no expression face meaning he is only business.

A true actor delivers and convinces with his performance without you knowing or even thinking "he is acting". A true actor becomes the part. He is like you or me in real life but on a sound stage. When he hears "ACTION" he is not acting but living the moment. This performances are almost invisible because they are not main characters but that does not make them less important as part of a whole entity called A MOVIE. Either good or bad this are a few of a long list of unrecognizable names ...but familiar faces.


  1. All these actors, were part of a good stories which supports a good Movie.
    Every ingredient on it, is essencial even, the Actors or Actresses Support.
    How about the nominees at the Oscars?
    Every single actor or Actress, make an important part of every movie...
    I really enjoy a good history, with good actors that lives his playroles!

  2. yeah... or less known characters like mrs. Fagina, mrs. Farbissina or mrs. Me... je!
